Welcome to the Channing Hall Parent Teacher Organization

Welcome to your PTO Headquarters Page! 

We are composed of a leadership board and have subcommittees to support our events and projects throughout the school. 

The mission of CHPTO is to enhance the educational experience of Channing Hall students through uniting the efforts between educators, parents, students and the school community. CHPTO strives to provide activities that promote and are in alignment with the school's mission and vision. We support the IB philosophy and strive to nurture a school atmosphere of goodwill, consideration and cooperation between parents, students and faculty.

Our primary goal is to support the teachers, faculty and families in any way we can and maintain Channing Hall's warm, inviting atmosphere and support our academic goals. 

Some of the events and activities CHAPS supports include:

  • Fun Run Fundraiser - We raise money every year for a specific need at our school
  • Benefit nights at local restaurants and food trucks stationed at Channing Hall donate a portion of their proceeds
  • Reading Competition
  • Hospitality for Student-led Conferences, Teacher Appreciation, and Holiday events
  • Various family and student engagement activities to increase engagement and strengthen our school community
  • Box Top Collections
  • We enhance the educational experience at Channing Hall through various extracurricular activities throughout the school year.
  • We provide opportunities for parents and others to get involved in the school community through volunteerism.
  • We seek to support the school staff through acts of appreciation.
  • We raise funds to pay for the activities we sponsor and to support other school ventures. We accomplish that through our membership drive, sales of used uniforms, donations, benefit nights, Coca Cola Give and Box Tops collection.  Our largest fundraiser is the annual Fun Run

PTO Events

Parent volunteers are essential for staging these fun PTO-sponsored events. Send an email to the PTO to volunteer.

  • Community Involvement − Committee plans and coordinates one community service event each year.
  • Veterans Day − Committee organizes and conducts a semi-annual assembly honoring veterans. On the off years, Veterans Day is observed in individual classes.
  • Health & Safety − Help with Red Ribbon Week, fruits and vegetables challenge, anti-bullying week, oral health month, and more.
  • Reading Contest − Committee organizes a month-long reading contest, including kick-off event in January, distributing reading logs, tallying minutes, tracking each class's progress on a fun display in the main entry, and organizing a closing celebration/reward assembly.
  • Hospitality/Staff Appreciation − Volunteers provide snacks for teachers during Student Led Conferences, acknowledge staff birthdays, cater a staff luncheon in December, and plan special treats for each day of Teacher Appreciation Week.
  • Fun Run − Committee oversees the creation of Fun Run T-shirts, distribution and collection of pledge packets, distribution of T-shirts, and activities on Fun Run day.
  • Fun Run Prize Committee − Collect prizes for children who bring in the most money for the fun run.
  • Spirit Committee − Publicize all PTO events through the creation of posters and banners.
  • Yearbook − Photograph school activities and provide them to the school for the yearbook.
  • Bulletin Boards − Help maintain boards that recognize student birthdays and spotlight teachers.

Mission Statement

The mission of CHPTO is to enhance the educational experience of Channing Hall students through uniting the efforts between educators, parents, students and the school community. CHPTO strives to provide activities that promote and are in alignment with the school's mission and vision. We support the IB philosophy and strive to nurture a school atmosphere of goodwill, consideration and cooperation between parents, students and faculty.

What We Do

  • We enhance the educational experience at Channing Hall through various extracurricular activities throughout the school year.
  • We provide opportunities for parents and others to get involved in the school community through volunteerism.
  • We seek to support the school staff through acts of appreciation.
  • We raise funds to pay for the activities we sponsor and to support other school ventures. We accomplish that through our membership drive, sales of used uniforms, donations, benefit nights, Coca Cola Give and Box Tops collection.  Our largest fundraiser is the annual Fun Run.